Tourism Agency Green Web2.0 HTML Template, A High Quality Designed Template, With Green and White, Rounded Corner and Web2.0 Inspiration, Suitable For Tourism Agency Website or Travel Company Website, The Archive Countain : .PSD (Photoshop CS+), .HTML (Macromedia Dreamweaver / Microsoft Frontpage), .CSS and Fonts, Tested and Work Fine On IE 6.0 & 7.0, Mozilla Firefox , Opera 9.02, Google Chrome and Safari Web Browsers, Template Realized Under Common Creative License, That Mean Keep it Legal by Leaving the Footer Links Intact, This Template has passed XHTML 1.0 Strict! & CSS level 2.1, To change the text, content, links etc. open the index.html in your preferred HTML Editor, Whether it be Notepad, Dreamweaver or Frontpage, To change the CSS open styles.css in a HTML/CSS Editor and Change The Appropriate Values to Suit Your Needs, Photoshop .PSD Files, Please Keep The Footer Links Intact in Order To use it.
Tourism Agency Green Web2.0 HTML Template
Posted by Internet at Every Where on 7:45 PM